About Us
Arizona Falls Prevention Coalition is designed to provide information, advice, helpful hints and tips to help prevent falls and fall injuries by the elderly in Arizona. By raising awareness of the issue and by providing advice to older adults, we hope to lower the occurrence of elderly falls in Maricopa County and across our state.
Our Calling is to Prevent Falling™
Many people think falls are a normal part of aging. The truth is, they're not. Most falls can be prevented—and you have the power to reduce your risk.
Our calling is to prevent falling! Developed to promote evidence-based falls prevention approaches, the Arizona Falls Prevention Coalition (AFPC) helps coordinate existing efforts, provides technical assistance and increases the opportunities for older adults to enhance their quality of life. The Coalition provides education and information to help older adults in Arizona improve their flexibility and balance, reduce their fear of falling, and decrease the likelihood of a fall.
The mission of the Arizona Falls Prevention Coalition is to reduce risk of falls in Arizona through education, outreach, evaluation and advocacy.
Our Mission