
Arizona Falls Statistics

Billions Spent on
Hospital Costs
Emergency Department Visits
Deaths Due
to Falls
of all fall-related deaths were among adults aged 65+
*Data based on all ages. Source: Arizona Vital Statistics and Arizona Hospital Discharge Data, 2022.
Arizona Falls Prevention Coalition - Statistics
Do you know that one out of every three adults aged 65 years or older in the United States will suffer a fall each year? Our goal at the Arizona Falls Prevention Coalition is to reduce the incidence of falls and fall injuries among older adults here in Arizona.
This fall prevention resource page has a selection of useful links and resources to help you be better informed of the risks and better prepared to prevent falls in older adults.
National Statistics from the Falls Free® Initiative
The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is a respected national leader and trusted partner to help people aged 60+ meet the challenges of aging. Their mission is to improve the lives of millions of older adults, especially those who are struggling. Through innovative community programs and services, online help, and advocacy, NCOA is partnering with nonprofit organizations, government, and business to improve the health and economic security of 10 million older adults by 2020.
The Falls Free® Initiative is a national effort led by NCOA to address the growing public health issue of falls and fall-related injuries and deaths in older adults. The initiative includes a National Action Plan; National Coalition; State Coalitions on Fall Prevention Workgroup with 43 state members; numerous advocacy, awareness, and educational initiatives; and community infrastructure building to reduce falls among the elderly.
National Fall Prevention Action Plan - Executive Summary
Falls present a real and growing risk to older adults’ health and independence – and to their very lives. Many falls can be prevented, and experts are working to engage health care and aging network professionals, older adults and caregivers in prevention efforts.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the leading cause of injuries among older adults, causing severe injuries such as hip fractures and head trauma as well as death. Injuries and fear of falling also significantly limit older adults’ independence. Falls result in significant costs; the direct health care costs attributed to fall-related injuries totaled $34 billion in 2013.
A decade ago, the National Council on Aging (NCOA) led development of an evidence-based national falls prevention action plan. The 2005 plan, Falls Free®: Promoting a National Falls Prevention Action Plan, focused its goals and strategies on key risk factors – physical mobility, medications management, home safety and environmental safety – as well as cross cutting issues. While substantial progress has been made in falls prevention efforts over the past 10 years, gaps and challenges remain to stem the tide of this growing public health problem…
Falls Free® 2015 National Falls Prevention Action Plan
Arizona Fall Prevention Statistics
Unintentional Falls were the leading cause of injury-related mortality among Arizona residents 65 years and older, on average accounting for two deaths every day. Preventable falls are costing lives, causing disability and loss of independence, and add a considerable load to our healthcare system.
The following links to the Arizona Department Of Health Services, Arizona Healthy Aging (A-HA) website contain valuable fall prevention information & resources: