Christine Warren, BSN, RN, CCRN, TCRN
Secretary General
Trauma Injury Prevention/Outreach Coordinator, Dignity Health Chandler Regional Medical Center
Ms. Christine Warren manages several injury prevention community programs at Dignity Health Chandler Regional
Medical Center. Her programming is aimed at reducing elderly falls, increasing safe driving for teens, and providing Stop
the Bleed training. She manages three distinct programs aimed at reducing falls, which include, SAIL (Stay Active and
Independent for Life), Walk With A Doc, and A Matter of Balance. Her background includes eight years of Trauma
Intensive Care Unit Nursing Experience.
In addition to being the secretary for the Arizona Falls Prevention Coalition, Christine is also a board member of the
Chandler Education Foundation and is a member of The State of Arizona’s Injury Prevention Advisory Council, Safe States
Alliance, The Society of Trauma Nurses, The American Association of Critical Care Nurses, and the Arizona Child Fatality
Review/MVC Team.
Christine received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree from Northern Arizona University.