About Us
Our Mission
The mission of the Western Chapter, Arizona Falls Prevention Coalition (AFPC) is to reduce the risk and incidence of falls through sharing resources, promoting fall prevention education, and improving cross-agency coordination.
AFPC Western Chapter Leadership Team

Carol Brown
AFPC Western Chapter Co-Chairperson
As the Program Development and Advocacy Manager for Western Arizona Council of Governments – Area Agency on Aging for region IV, serving Yuma, La Paz, and Mohave Counties, Ms. Carol Brown’s main focus is to promote Awareness, Education, Advocacy and Prevention in 3 areas identified as pillars and determined to most profoundly affect our Older Arizonans: Falls Prevention Education, Alzheimer’s/Dementia Education & Advocacy and Elder Abuse Awareness and Prevention.
Carol has been a member of the Western Chapter - Arizona Falls Prevention Coalition from its inception and is now serving as the Chair of the Coalition. In addition to serving on the State Falls Prevention Coalition and chairing the Western Chapter, Carol is currently an appointee to the Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging and is the Chair of the Aging in Community Committee under the Governor’s Advisory Council. Carol also serves on the Alzheimer’s Association Desert Southwest Chapter Leadership Council, is a member of the Yuma County Elder Abuse Awareness Coalition, the Task Force Against Senior Abuse (TASA) with the Arizona Attorney General, and the Age Friendly Arizona Leadership Team.
Betsaida Gomez
AFPC Western Chapter Co-Chairperson
My name is Betsaida “Betsy” Gomez and I am a Health Educator for HAPI at the Yuma County Public Services District. I was born and raised in Yuma, Arizona. My career experience for the past thirteen years has been working alongside military families by providing parents with resources and educational care to child and youth. In addition, in my new position as a Health Educator, I look forward to this opportunity to support Falls Prevention in our region by providing education, resources and advocacy.
Furthermore, I am excited to be a part of this great coalition and to serve as the Co-Chair!
AFPC Western Chapter Community Partners
The Western Chapter’s current community partners include representatives from:
Fire Departments
Care Facilities and Home Care Organizations
County Health Departments
Non-profits serving older adults and adults with disabilities.
We are seeking more partners to strengthen the chapter’s fall prevention efforts.
AFPC Western Chapter Bi-Monthly Meetings
The chapter’s meetings are held quarterly on the first Thursday of September, December, March, and June, at the Western Arizona Council of Governments and via conference call.